They better be smart about who they shoot at. Some of us shoot back.

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Very impressive and well done Abraham. All it lacks is photos of the results of these weapons when they're visited on human beings. Hunters, even despicable trophy hunters, are normally careful to use ammunition that won't destroy either the trophy or food value of their targets; people who kill other human beings aren't as concerned and failure to see the outcome enables gun supporters to ignore that fact and argue about 2nd Amendment rights as though there were no real life context.

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These are the people who are threatening us and some are calling for a civil war.

The logical conclusion is that gun haters better get armed too.

How do we stop this madness when having guns does look like fun.

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I believe if Trump loses there will be a lot of gun nuts out there willing to kill people. I always said they are building a fascist takeover. The thing is the first thing fascists do is take away the guns.

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Jan 4Liked by Abraham Washington

They're already willing to kill for MAGA. The fact that Trump is still walking around and freely traveling tells you everything you need to know. He's a cult, and the federal government is either too scared, too impotent, or both to do much about it.

The civil war is already here. We just don't admit it (yet).

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It does scare me that if Trump loses he will of course say the election was rigged and we may see an even more serious Jan.6 event.

Tim Snyder says that when politicians have their own personal armed militias, then dictatorship is just around the corner.

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Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and October 2023, by shooter's race or ethnicity


column chart

Characteristic Number of incidents

White 79

Black 26

Latino 12

Asian 10

Other 5

Native American 3

Unknown/unclear 13

Compiled by Satista

Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries. Established in Germany in 2007, Statista operates in 13 locations worldwide and employs around 1,100 professionals.

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"gun haters better get armed too"

DK, that's a very scary thought - if everyone's armed, then welcome to Civil War2.

How do we stop this madness? Maybe by holding up a mirror like this.

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I really appreciate this photo essay, but I try to always see things from the pov of those that are on the other side. I’m concerned that the people in these photos are proud of themselves and being shown in this “liberal” post. There was a recent story on Jews arming themselves as a reaction to antisemitism. What a terrible cycle we are in!!!

I’m curious why all the guns photos are of white people. Is it the case that other groups don’t show off their guns. What would be the gut reaction to a gallery of non-whites armed? Asians, Orthodox Jews, people of color,...people who in this environment really do need to be able to protect themselves.

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I'm sure a lot of gangs in the inner cities have guns and many of them aren't white. They just are not legal guns and probanly can't be carried out in the open.

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Interesting point you raise about these being whites-only pics; to be honest, I hadn't noticed.

When I harvested Twitter for "gun love" pics this is what popped up.

But maybe if these pics were people of color etc - that actually might scare gun-supporters; I can hear them now: hey wait a minute, we didn't mean the 2A THOSE people.

Like you, I try to see the POV from those who disagree. So when we get past the ducks & deer argument, I'm wondering how they can defend America's mass gun-love. That cover pic of the woman in the white dress - she sure ain't hunting ducks and deer. Maybe it's just cowardly people boosting their insecure egos with big macho hardware?

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Yes, it's angry people with low self esteem and not a lot of education. They probably grew up watching Clint Eastwood and movies about cowboys.

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A series of the most disturbing photos I have ever seen.

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I typed "guns" into Twitter, and kaboom: I then had to edit it down to 50 pics, and organize them a bit: gun love, self-defence, WRM, hunting, & NRA politicians.

A brutal look-in-the-mirror view of America.

In some of the "hunting" pics I have to ask, who's the Beauty and who's the Beast?

Intended to be disturbing - only way to break the trance.

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I can't believe a person could shoot beautiful animal.

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There's a pic of a woman and a dead giraffe and I wonder - who's the Beauty and who's the Beast.

In those "hunting" pics I guess it's more about the people than the guns.

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it was deer season and duck season. Hundreds of thousand people with guns out there. No mass shootings. No violent gun crime. Lib’s fixation on what they can ban always seems to ignore banning bad behavior. I think I know why.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Author

Jan.4, 2024: another day, another school shooting, another dead kid in a Grade 6 classroom - ducks and deer, Frank? God-given rights? How many school children will die in 2024? Sacrificial lambs to the NRA.

It's a social sickness, Frank. Just a way for insecure scared cowards to feel powerful.

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I'm a facts and information thinker, not someone that allows his emotions to run his brain.

On average, only 35 school children per year die from mass shootings like that.

2,100 are homicides—most of them the result of either domestic violence or street and and gang violence.

On average, 1,200 children a year die by suicide with a gun.

1,200 children died in traffic accidents.

There are 4,000 deaths per year from drowning... many of them children.

Guns don't walk around and kill people. Cars don't drive around and kill people. Swimming pools don't slosh around to kill people. People kill people. The root cause of all gun death is people.

DC has the highest number of gun deaths. It is a Democrat controlled territory with strong gun restrictions.

Maybe if you are really into cause and effect and solving problems you would advocate banning Democrats from controlling territories. That makes more sense than a silly dream of banning guns. Or ban swimming pools, hot tubs and bath tubs... and no swimming in the ocean, lakes and rivers.

I wish you cared as much about the mass gun murder of Israeli Jews as you do the infrequent insane shooting school kids. But we know there is political fealty to satisfy.

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you know something, Frank, I can see things from your point of view; I think we've been at this long enough that I understand how and why you see it your way. I disagree with much (but not all) of what you say. By the way, I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh (again, to understand what people on the right were thinking) and I hear a lot of Rush in your comments. Logical, thoughtful, persuasive. And even humorous.

But for me, not convincing.

Still, I appreciate your comments. And I don't think either of us is going to convince the other side.

Bob Dylan has a line somewhere that stuck with me:

"you're right from your side, and I'm right from mine"

Take care, my friend, and I hope your surgeries etc went well.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023Author

So it's the "Libs" who are ignoring bad behavior?

Aren't you the one ignoring America's unnecessary (and psychotic) love affair with guns?

The people in those pics aren't hunting deer and ducks, Frank; they're carrying guns into little stores (what are they so afraid of?) and/or showing off their super-guns (not for hunting deer and ducks).

Let's get past the legitimate hunting issue; many (too many for me) Americans just LOVE GUNS! And the ease with which anyone can walk into Walmart or Joe's Guns and buy a military grade weapon that can kill dozens in a minute - well, those folks aren't hunting ducks. Those guns are for hunting humans, or looking tough. Who is their enemy? Other Americans with guns!

And as for "ignoring" - what about the 2A phrase "Well-regulated militia"? Do you just ignore that? Is any Tom, Dick, or Mary automatically a member of a militia? Are the Proud Boys America's new "militia"? Ready to do another (bigger and deadlier) Jan.6 if Trump loses?

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I get that they are not your kind of people and you have an uncontrollable emotional bias to force them to be better people like you and your tribe of coastal and big city upper-class liberals. However, in a free, diverse and pluralistic nation with God-given, constitutionally-protected human rights to individual pursuit of self interest and to provide safety for self and family, there isn't any problem there to solve.

I own guns for three reasons: hunting, target shooting, personal safety and the fact that they are engineering works of industrial art. To ban people from enjoying guns for those reasons is cruel and elitist.

The problem related to gun crime is one of behavior and mental health. And it is primarily a black urban community problem and also a problem with suicide. Black on black gun violence and suicide by gun has frankly exploded, as has so many other negative outcomes, since Joe Biden took office. I could run a story of images of libs protesting injustice and having elected that old deficient establishment puppet into the White House as a more relevant with respect to the real problem to solve.

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I don't understand the "God-given" right to own guns.

Did God actually say: Americans, you can have all the guns you want?

Where and when did he say that?

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God given right to defend ourselves and our families. God given right to put food on the table if we are not a city dweller. God given right to pursue our own interests if those interest do not harm others. Just because pictures of people with guns triggers you, it is not the fault of those with the guns... that is your problem.

There is such cognitive dissonance with the liberal worldview with respect to their gun banning obsession that they will not close borders and thus guns, especially hand guns, would easily flow to criminals while liberals prevent law abiding citizens their rights to protect themselves and their families. It is so clearly unreasonable that one can only suspect the hidden agenda promoting the same tyrannical authoritarian government we saw during the pandemic that liberals demanded and supported... but knowing that it isn't gonna be successful unless it disarms the public while making sure the tyrannical authoritarians are well armed.

You must know that 3D metal printing and metal CMC machines are cheap and getting cheaper. Gun design programs can be downloaded. Liberal gun banning ideas are just stupid, harmful and will not only not solve any problems, but it will create a basket of terrible consequences.

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Jan 4Liked by Abraham Washington

Which god are you citing? I'd like to shoot at your imaginary friend with my liberal assault rifles and see what happens when imagination and reality collide. Let me know which god so I can get right on that.

It's CNC, not CMC, by the way. Computer Numerical Control.

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today there's yet another school shooting - dead kids in a Grade 6 classroom; you're right to wonder what god gives America this right to buy military assault weapons at Walmart. And fire away.

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Except that most mass shootings are done by angry white men. Especially the mass shooting of children. Do you think the mass shooting of children is a reasonable price to pay so cowardly men can walk around armed?

I have traveled every where. I have hitched hiked, worked in bad neighborhoods and lived in foreign countries. I lived in cities and the country side. Never carried a gun and took reasonable awareness of my surroundings to keep myself safe. I'm 5'3" and 130 lbs. I feel sorry for you that you are so frightened. Maybe you should stop watching so much TV and going traveling and learn about the world.

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Mass killings are done primarily by black men per capita by race, and more recently by trans men. Also, most mass killings are domestic violence related.

Since 2006, 234 black offenders committed mass killing and 269 white offenders. Hispanic offenders were 91.

The current population demographics are 60% white, 19% Hispanic and 13% black.

Also, most mass gun killings are done by handguns not the Armalite Rifles that gun-stupid liberals are trying to ban. But add up the other methods of fire, sharp objects, knives, blunt objects, strangulation, explosives, vehicle, and other... and it covers close to half the total mass killing means.

And FAR more people died by gun by suicide than by mass killing. The number of suicides has exploded as Democrats took the White House and Senate... not even including the Opioid suicides.

You need to spend some more time on real statistics instead of parroting the racist Democrat media mythology.

And with respect to your attempt to layer on credentials for your anti 2A position, I think you should just move to all those other countries where you felt safe, because in the US under Democrat rule that is not safe. Not at all. Maybe in you exclusive gated neighborhood with armed security guards, but not for the majority.

And no, I am not frightened little boy, man, girl or ?????. And I don't watch TV. I am too busy being productive having no interest for looting from a soft government job pension like you must.

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Go away. Regressives are not going to win.

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sad. Very sad

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