Trump popularity grows as more wake up that the Femocrats are both radical insane and rule with the corporatocracy.

How do you solve that problem?. Cut out the radical woke left and they form their pink hat party. Cut out Wall Street, big banks, mega corporations and the WEF, and lose all that campaign money. Democrats are in trouble. They jettisoned the working class for their looter pursuits, and now the electorate is going to vote to dismantle their corporate sand box.

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Jan 18Liked by Abraham Washington

Anyone who thinks Trump cares about the working class should take some anti-delusion pills.

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One of the main themes of this site is that Trump is a conman, a charlatan, a super snake-oil salesman who will say and promise anything to make the sale. Trump isn't in it for America, he isn't in it for you or me or Frank. Trump doesn't give a shit about you or me or Frank.

He's got fake hair (looks like a new younger-looking wig these days), fake orange make-up (yeah, a real macho tough-guy with make-up), his MAGA hats are made in China, and he's selling a fake dream: that I, Donald Trump, am your voice. And I alone can fix this. I think MAGA really stands for Make Americans Gullible Again.

And apparently Frank and millions of other Americans are buying it.

I'll say it again, in real simple words, for my friend Frank: Trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but Trump.

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not sure what your reasoned, intelligent response is here.

Apparently Frank you think your political opponents are all "Femocrats" (your term?) and "radical insane" (like the "Q" people?) in a "pink hat party" (as opposed to the red-MAGA-hat party?)

Guess what, they're all just fellow American citizens who see things differently. It's called political differences, but you want to demonize and dehumanize them: why?

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Pot calling the kettle here Abraham. The denigrating of Trump supporters kicked it all off. Last I checked they are regular Americans with different opinions. There is a glaring difference though. They want a reasonable life and to be left alone. Your sides wants to dominate and control everyone.

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You're dangerously stupid.

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Right sweetie. Put on you black mask and go burn down some more stuff.

Try typing something that shows your brilliance and credibility to call others stupid, dipsh_t.

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Frank, you're disappointing me. Is this some kind of Jekyll & Hyde thing? When did the civil, intelligent, open-minded questioner-of-Dems become a poster boy for the radical-right? Is someone calling you stupid enough to set you off in retaliation? I was a teach for 40 years and do you want to take a guess how many times I heard: he started it? (And they were children.)

The Right likes to call people on the Left "snowflakes" as if they're weaklings.

But I see plenty of people on the Right who seem to be equally snowflaky.

The us-versus-them thing is destroying political discourse in America; let's all put on our big-boy pants and try to discuss the issues, and change minds through intelligence and insight rather than name-calling and insults.

And don't say "he started it".

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It isn't personal for me, but it is a war of ideology only because the people on the left have an addiction to tyrannical power to tell everyone else how to live their lives and somehow they have attained enough power to actually do it. Now, I might be good with that if the left had ideas that worked, but they do not. Except for their money looting pursuits, they run on emotive power with an incomplete moral filter. I think it is a brain wiring thing that is reinforced by geographic filtering and groupthink. They cannot see their weakness, but people like me see it clearly.

I will use one example. In my liberal university town (filled with people that live on the soft money of government) it has a railroad running through the center. The police and fire decided they needed a closed-atmosphere hardened vehicle to evacuate people if there was a derailment and fire and/or toxic chemicals. They were issued a free Army-surplus MRAP. Well the effing lefties came out of the woodwork crying that it was a war machine. So the idiot City Council capitulated and returned it, and the City spent $800,000 dollars that it did not have to purchase a commercial version of the SAME vehicle.

The city also cannot develop peripherally because the same liberal NIMBYs prevent it because they claim they want to protect farmland and natural habitat and prevent sprawl. So the city of 80,000 is locked in 5 square miles, housing costs are through the roof, homelessness is exploding, the tax base is too low to pay the bills... so the roads and parks are falling apart. There are not enough cops. City services for seniors and youth have been cut.

These types of decisions repeat at a local, state and national level when liberals are in control. In the state they voted for an initiative that reduced the felony limit for property crime to $950, so the thieves just steal short of $950. Liberals don't complete a full rational though cycle... they stop at what makes them feel good... and often it is what makes them feel good about being virtuous and righteous. The problem is that the math does not work and the negative consequences of their actions, policies, rules and demands mount. They end up destroying the goodness of the place they rule, and then they flee to other places to repeat... like cancer cells on the body.

Republicans are by no means perfect. And I abhor the Handmaiden's Tale anti-abortion extremists as much as I do the no abortion restriction extremists. But I find more pragmatism, wisdom and normalness in Republicans in general... and more importantly they tend to be people that are more apt to compartmentalize their emotions when it comes to public policy. They are better problem-solvers. They do real math.

This isn't a personal thing. I have as many liberal friends as I do conservative friends. This is about ideological power and control. I am a libertarian. My views are best described by what is called libertarian paternalism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_paternalism It is how I run my life, my family, my businesses. It is the what this country was modeled to be.

There is a linear ideological spectrum that at the left extreme is complete totalitarian authoritarianism and the right extreme is anarchy. We have gone way too far left and thus the extremes on the right are getting traction. If more liberals would grow some pragmatism and pull back to the center (like Joe Biden had promised before he went hard left) then we could have more across the aisle cooperation. But my old liberal friends scream that we need to cancel fossil fuels, restrict speech, teach gender, race and America hating ideology in grade schools, let biological men compete in female sports, neuter law enforcement, keep fighting useless foreign wars, use the judicial to harm Republican political opponents, keep the borders open and welcome globalism.

It is not people like me causing the divide. Our ideas and view are the same as they have always been. It is you and your side that are causing the divide with all your radical woke left ideas, and the ramming of them down our throats with your sliver of power majority. I respect ideas that are respectable. The current Democrat ideas are not... and their crappy performance proves it.

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"they want to be left alone" and yet they're all in on controlling other women's bodies.

But you do have a point in the "denigrating of Trump supporters". I've tried to keep the insults down to a low simmer here, but I think we can agree that there's way to much demonizing and dehumanizing and general insulting on both sides.

The only SOLUTIONS to America's problems will be found through compromise and that will only come when both sides return to respecting each other's humanity, and agreeing on the "regular Americans with different opinions" as a new starting point. Like a reboot for the whole system.

I've tried to make this a place for civil discourse (plus some biting satire, just for fun).

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Jan 18Liked by Abraham Washington

There is no compromise when it comes to Christian nationalists. They want to control everyone else come hell or high water. And that's Trump's base.

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A minority of idiots want zero abortion rights just like a minority of idiots want zero restrictions up to birth. The majority have an honest balance between the rights of the mother and rights of the viable other life. Let's be honest instead of just spewing the political talking points.

I want real problems solved. I am open to any ideas from any side of politics. I don't care about ideological fealty. I find most conservatives to echo the same, but most liberals value their ideological fealty over real solutions. There are exceptions, but that is my general observation working with both sides.

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Jan 18Liked by Abraham Washington

Your use of loaded political rhetoric makes it clear you are disingenuous. Respect is earned and you have not. Open to any ideas. Yeah, right. Name one "real" solution you are proposing. I'll wait.

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Jan 17Liked by Abraham Washington

Frank, there is nothing remotely reasonable about what’s happening to the Republicans and their party.

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Jan 17Liked by Abraham Washington

You speak FrankLee. I’ll give you that.

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Jan 16Liked by Abraham Washington

I just can’t, for the life of me, believe these lunkheads are in leadership positions! No wonder the rest of the world is scratching their heads and thinking WTH 🤦‍♂️!

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Jan 16Liked by Abraham Washington

WOW! And the so-called "Media" continues to "report" the "news..."

"Next stop, the Twilight Zone!" NAAAAAAAAAH - NAH! NAH! NAH! NAH!

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